International Joke Day
Posted on July 1, 2019 in Community News, News by Lewis Gaston

Today is International Joke Day and we here at Oddworld Inhabitants have always found a way to fit humour into the darkest of situations.
Head on over to Twitter and send us your funniest CLEAN jokes. If you can make us laugh, you may get a special reply.
Hold L2 + Square!
Some of the jokes you’ve sent so far:
@Caddicarus: What do you call a Stranger with an iPod? Steef Jobs.
@Erenzzle: Abe makes a Twitter account and his first tweet is: “Hello. Follow me.”
@NathanSifuHD: Why do Glukkons hate taking their pets to work? .. .. . . . . Because they hate “slogging” their way up the stairs.
@GrandAbleTank What’s is a Paramite’s favorite band? Paramore, because they can’t get enough!
@OldMateaus: The first Glukkon was born when Stranger uppercut a Slog!
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