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Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty

  • A brand new Oddworld game based on Abe's Oddysee
  • Stunning next-gen 3-D visuals
  • Out now on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Steam, GOG and Humble

Abe's back, and the original hero's about to face his oddest challenge yet!

A mudokon chosen by the fickle finger of fate, Abe was a first class Floor-Waxer for RuptureFarms who was catapulted into a life of adventure.

Late one night he overheard plans from his boss, Molluck the Glukkon, to turn Abe and his fellow Mudokons into Tasty Treats as a final effort to rescue Molluck's failing meatpacking empire!

Can Abe change the fate of thousands and rescue the Mudokons? Can he escape the dark recesses of RuptureFarms and the desolate, uninviting, and downright terrifying surrounding environment?

Lead our unlikely hero on his mission because if he doesn’t make it… Abe’s back on the menu!


  • Out Now
  • Yes (PS)
  • Yes, post-release (PS)
  • ESRB: Teen, PEGI: 12
  • Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty 2015 Trailer


"This is a contemporary puzzle-platformer that charms, exasperates, and delights. This is how you do a reboot."
"Not just an excellent port of a great title, but a solid game in its own right, Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is fully able to proudly rub shoulders with any puzzle-platformer released in the last ten years."
"Whether you've never played Abe's Oddysee before or you remember the unique breed of puzzle platforming fondly, there's plenty to love about Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty."
"The soul of the game has survived along with the aesthetic [and like] the best remakes, it changes just about everything to give you back the game almost exactly as you remember it."
"The best looking game that I’ve seen built on the Unity engine so far... if no one knew that this was a remake it would be considered a fantastic beginning to a new series of games."
"Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is an excellent example of how to remake a game. A must for returning fans and newcomers alike."
"A beautiful remake that irons out nearly all of the problems and limitations of 1997’s Abe’s Oddysee while bringing its best qualities to the fore."

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  • buy on playstation store

You can buy New 'n' Tasty for PS4 now from the PlayStation Store.

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You can buy New 'n' Tasty for PC, Mac and Linux now from Steam.

screenshot of new n tasty
Molluck the Glukkon, New 'n' Tasty's big baddie, watches over Abe.

E3 2014 Gameplay Footage

Lorne chats to PlayStation during E3 2014

Gamespot interview Lorne at E3 2014

screenshot of new n tasty
Untold dangers await our hero as he tries to save his fellow Mudokons.
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty Gameplay Trailer

What Is New 'n' Tasty?

abe leads a line of Mudokons

What's New 'n' Tasty?

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is a ground-up remake of 1997′s Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. While it follows the same story as the original game, it has all-new graphics, all-new sound and all-new controls, while maintaining the same classic gameplay as before.

For more insight, our news blog includes developer diaries, “Ingredients” articles, and screenshot comparisons.

Why is it called New 'n' Tasty?

In-game promotional signs for the next ‘tasty treat’ in Abe's Oddysee were labelled New ‘n’ Tasty. We ran a community poll to name the game (it was previously called Abe HD) and New ‘n’ Tasty was the runaway winner.

What's the aim of the game?

Lead character Abe is a lowly floor waxer at RuptureFarms, a large meat-processing factory on Oddworld. One day he discovers his kin are next on the menu, with a range of novelty meat products to be made from the race of Mudokons.

His initial goal is to escape the factory, but his destiny soon becomes much more important, and he’s charged with not only returning to RuptureFarms to bring the factory down, but also with rescuing the other Mudokons.

The ultimate goal is to finish the single player storyline and bring down RuptureFarms from within. Completionists will want to rescue every fellow Mudokon along the way, which will involve seeking out secret areas and completing optional puzzles.

Will the game be as difficult as Oddysee?

Oddysee was a tough game, so we've tried to make New 'n' Tasty playable by a wider range of gamers. We've done this by introducing difficulty levels, and whilst we'd recommend that most players opt for Normal on their first run, seasoned Oddworld fans would be most familiar with Hard, where bullets, teeth and steel are at their deadliest. In all difficulties, there are more generous checkpoints too.

What happened to the flip-screen format from Oddysee?

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty features a dynamic, intelligent new free-flowing camera and larger, distinct level areas which enable us to ensure that Abe is always the focus without interruption. It zooms in and out when required for gameplay purposes and drama, and pans to the left and right when needed.

As a result of the new scrolling levels, some of the level design and puzzles from Oddysee have been reworked. And as enemy AI is now much richer and more emergent, the game feels more alive.

What resolution does the game run at?

On PlayStation 4 the game runs at a native 1080p resolution.

Have you re-done the cut-scenes?

Yes, everything in New 'n' Tasty has been redone from scratch, including the in-game cut-scenes, some of which have been re-directed. There are even a couple of brand new cut-scenes.

Does the game support 5.1 surround sound?

Indeed it does.

Does the original music make a comeback?

We've remastered, reproduced and in some cases re-recorded the music, but it's all true to the original Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee style. It builds and changes as in-game events happen, too.

What about the voices?

We've re-recorded the vast majority of voices. Mudokons now have a much greater scope in terms of ambient conversation and replies, and also feature the amazing talents of our community fans - and a handful of celebrities!

How do the controls work in New 'n' Tasty?

New 'n' Tasty uses an analog movement system, so that the left stick on the PlayStation 4 controller allows Abe to move slowly, walk and run, sneak when the L1 button is held, and roll when Abe is crouched. Cross is jump; Square is use and enter doors and Circle is crouch. Tapping Triangle shows you Abe's remaining health.

Holding L2 and R2 makes Abe chant, which is used to open portals to save Mudokons, and possess Sligs.

What other changes have you made to how Abe controls?

We now allow for a fully analog throwing system, via the right stick (which also pans the camera a little to assist aiming). Tapping R1 when aiming throws the currently held item, and tapping R1 when not aiming drops the currently held item. Abe can always throw SoulStorm Brew bottlecaps - harmless, but noisy.

How does GameSpeak work?

Gamespeak is controlled via the PlayStation 4 controller's D-Pad. Up is "Hello", Right is "Follow Me", Down is "Wait" and - from Exoddus - Left is "All O'Ya" which makes speaking to more than one Mudokon much easier.

If players hold down R2, the D-pad doubles up for the second set of GameSpeak actions, such as laughs, whistles and - yes - farts.

Can you QuickSave now?

Yes. Although there're options on the Pause menu to do this (just tap the OPTION button) if you press the DualShock 4 Touchpad in for a second it'll QuickSave, and if you hold it in for 2 seconds it'll load your last QuickSave.

How can I buy the game? Is it a digital download?

It is. New 'n' Tasty is available for PlayStation 4 from the PlayStation Store. We'll be announcing the release dates for the other formats in due course.

Does New 'n' Tasty support Cross Buy?

It does. Buy the game on any PlayStation platform, and you'll get the other two PlayStation versions added to your download list.

Does New 'n' Tasty support Cross Save?

It does, on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PS Vita. Players will be able to play New 'n' Tasty at home, save to the cloud and then continue on their PlayStation Vitas, for example. Cross Save will be enabled when the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions launch, via an update to the PlayStation 4 version.

Does the game feature leaderboards?

It does - players will be able to face off against friends and the rest of the world via a series of overall and per-level PSN leaderboards. Compete for times and the number of Mudokons saved.

Does the game come with PlayStation trophies?

Indeed it does, some of which we've listed here - there are eleven extra hidden trophies to find too!



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