Oddworld: Soulstorm ARG fan videos.

We recently shared some press coverage of the first Oddworld: Soulstorm images but some fans and Youtubers have been covering the progress, too.
Chris Townshend’s Update #2 video covers some of the ARG so far, and also rounds up some of the fan theories regarding the new image release. We’re not saying any of these theories are correct- we’re just saying that they’re pretty cool! (You can also find the video on Twitter here.)
Steve Blockhead’s video covers the ARG so far and includes a recap on The Spirit of 1029 and Ed (You can find also StevieBlockhead’s video on Twitter here.)
Thank you again to Chris and Steve for their videos, you can see more like this here as we update and on our Twitter and Facebook pages too. Come and say Hi and join us as we uncover the truth!