Fourth Oddworld: Soulstorm Shot Released

A new transmission.
Last week, we received a new transmission from the Spirit Of 1029 which read “We grow in strength but the signal is weak. Our message fades into noise and light. Help us. This is only possible together.”
A short while later they sent us an image which included cropped versions of the images we had uncovered so far. It was distorted and included the words ‘Use what you can’t see.’ The image contained numerous hidden words and ciphers, and included the words Fire Air Water Earth Gas Liquid and Solid.
The words match up, leaving fire alone. You realized that if you looked at the classical use of these elements, fire matched with plasma or electricity. The missing word was electricity.
This led the community to
A deeper message
The site appeared empty save for the word Help, which when clicked made two more files available. One was a small cropped portion of a picture, with binary which translated to ‘Breath.’ The other, also in binary was a long, garbled text which appeared to contain a panicked plea for help from the Mudokons.
The community quickly realized that Pneuma was the key. An ancient word for ‘Breath’ The clue was in the small cropped image which contained the same word.
This clue led to another website:
Don’t let us die!
It contained the logo for the spirit of 1029, and when refreshed revealed the hidden message DON’T LET US DIE. You quickly discovered that on certain refreshes, a distorted image would appear that seemed to show a Mudokon wearing some sort of mask. We got to work clearing it up, and this is what we found.
For more on Oddworld: Soulstorm please see the dedicated Soulstorm hub, and be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Our brand new Discord channel is also a great way to interact with Oddworld and the community.